To Whom It May Concern:

Farsi, or Persian as it is known in the West. is spoken by over one hundred and thirty million people in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the diaspora as their ethnic language. For this reason, I am signing this petition in support of the Campaign for Farsi VoiceOver to be added to the list of VoiceOvers of the Apple’s Operating Systems (Apple’s OS’s), because I believe the visually impaired and blind people of this language should have equal access to the Apple devices as VoiceOver users of other languages have.

To facilitate user-friendliness of the Apple devices for individuals with disabilities including people with visual impairment and blindness, Siri is doing a phenomenal job in recognizing verbal commands and converting them to either a written text or executable commands on the Apple’s devices. What is extremely exasperating and disappointing is that these kinds of wonderful ease of access are unavailable to visually impaired or blind people whose native language is Farsi.

It is established worldwide that Apple Corporation has always been the frontrunner in accommodating technology users with disabilities. For that reason, we propose the following recommendations:

  • 1. Please either add Farsi VoiceOver to the list of existing VoiceOvers of The Apple’s OS’s as another screen reader or let the Apple’s OS’s use third-party Text-To-Speech Engine in this language. This way, we may rapidly see either free or commercial Farsi voiceover applications on the App Store.
  • 2. Another recommendation that has been suggested by folks with visual impairment and blindness is the capability of a dictionary for VoiceOver in which people may correct mispronounced names and vocabularies of other languages by spelling phonetically and save them in that dictionary.

    In order to promote the above-mentioned recommendations, we will encourage people to sign this petition to be emailed to Accessibility Team of Apple Corporation if they too believe in this worthy cause.

    Looking forward to witnessing the progression of advancement in the Apples Operating Systems which will undoubtedly have a profound impact on lives of billians of people with and without disabilities throughout the world.

    Warm Regards


    Plese leave a comment. It can be very short.
    The comment which includes your Name and E-Mail-address will be the signature for this petition.


  1. سلام خسته نباشید من به دلیل فارسی نبودن اپل, اپل نخریدم لطفا زبان فارسی رو هم ساپرت کنید

    1. سلام خسته نباشید من به دلیل فارسی نبودن اپل, اپل نخریدم لطفا زبان فارسی رو هم ساپرت

  2. Hellow. I’m an iranian blind. I also would like to be able to use eyephone. Because of it’s facilities, it can be more effective than the others. But it doesn’t support persian language yet. I wish it could be possible soon. With the best regards.

  3. Hello. I’m an iranian blind. I would also like to be able to use apple ios. I think it’s facilities can be more effective than the other’s in the blind’s life. But it doesn’t support the persian language yet. I wish it could be possible soon. With the best regards.

  4. سلام اینجانب احمد عبدالله پور هم موافقتم را با این امر اعلام میدارم

  5. Hellow. I’m an iranian blind. I also would like to be able to use eyephone. Because of it’s facilities, it can be more effective than the others. But it doesn’t support persian language yet. I wish it could be possible soon. With the best regards.

  6. We are asking to add this fuction to apple iphone so we can have essier conction to our friends and family in farsi , thank you

  7. Farsi ( Persian) is spoken by 110 million people – we want to have voiceover in our own language.
    فارسي را بيش از ١١٠ ميليون نفر صحبت ميكنند – لطفا امكان فارسي خوان را براي ما فراهم كنيد

  8. I love my iPhone. However, because of not having the farsi VoiceOver, I am moving to an android phone. Also, I know many blind people that already switched to non/apple devices.By adding the farsi VoiceOver, please let the blind farsi speakers to use the Apple devices equally.v

  9. It will be very helpful to have Persian language on IPhone so we can have an easier way to talk to our family or friends who speak only Persian.

  10. Please add Farsi VoiceOver to the list of existing VoiceOvers of The Apple’s OS’s as another screen reader or let the Apple’s OS’s use third-party Text-To-Speech Engine in this language.

  11. It is very important Issue and I as a loyal customer of apple would like to see apple to act on this issue.

  12. سلام اینجانب مصطفی عرب هم موافقم که زبان پارسی به زبانهای اپل اضافه شود

  13. Hello, I am signing this petition in support of the Campaign for Farsi VoiceOver to be added to the list of VoiceOvers of the Apple’s Operating Systems (Apple’s OS’s), because I believe the visually impaired and blind people of this language should have equal access to the Apple devices as VoiceOver users of other languages have.

  14. Dear Apple Officials,
    Hereby I would like to express my sincere gratitude, all in advance, for your concerns about adding the Persian VoiceOver to the Apple OS.
    Your kindness to Farsi- Speaking I.O.S users is highly appreciated.

  15. Couldn’t agree more,for such a poplular company its an odd issue ,didnt care about persian!an essential side for who speaks farsi &live abroad,who their mother tongues are farsi, so plz go through ,add it to voiceover🌼🌹

  16. hello admin. I am Persian visually impaired person. I would like to buy an iPhone but because voice over does not supporting Persian language, I could not have 1, so, it would be nice if our language included on voice over as well in the latest version.thanx for paying attention to this request.

  17. Ich unterschutze die Aktion blinde Menschen zum persische Schrift zum persische vois zu ermöglichen

  18. I do believe that Farsi should be added to the voice over’s language list since there are lots of Farsi speakers who use this app.

  19. I do agree, please add the Persian language to Voiceover as a helpful service for the Persian blind speakers worldwide.
    Thank you in advance.

  20. It would be helpful for our blind iranian people to use iphone if this company add persian langouge and voice to other voices. 🙏🙏

  21. I note you already have so many languages available, please add the Persian language to Voiceover as a helpful service for the Persian blind speakers such as myself. Many Iranians use the internet a lot to keep in touch with each other in different parts of the world.
    Please, please Apple do something about this. If Android can offer this why can’t you, as you have been at the forefront of Accessibility.

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